Labor and Social Security Agency Service

As the procedures for labor insurance and social insurance are becoming more complex, the burden for business owners is heavier than before.

Furthermore, if these procedures are not followed, it will lead to severe consequences such as being disqualified for receiving the allowance for on-the-job injury, unemployment, illness or injury, and even the retirement pension.
However, it takes more time than expected to prepare documents for the procedures.

In addition, the Annual renewal of labor insurance and the basic calculation work requires specialized knowledge of the wages and the calculation of insurance premiums.
If there is an error in the declared amount, the surcharge or arrears will be charged.

Outsourcing this work to us, helps you significantly reduce the time and labor costs for various procedures.
Labor and Social Security Attorney will smoothly and accurately carry out complicated and wide-ranging procedures for labor and social insurance on your behalf.

・New application of labor insurance and social insurance.
・The preparation of the roster of workers and wage ledger.
・Creation and modification of employment regulation.
・The process supports from recruitment to retirement.
・Change address, name /The addition of dependents.
・On-the-job injury.
・The allowance of illness or injury.
・Maternity Allowance / Child care leave/Nursing Care Leave Benefits
We use electronic applications, so we can accept requests from distant clients.

Please feel free to contact us.